Inspiring Inclusion for Women in Tech

Hear from Neostella women as they dive into the 2024 International Women’s Day’s theme to “Inspire Inclusion,” discuss the power of inclusion across the technology industry, and share career advice for other women in tech.

Two girls sitting and collaborating with a laptop

Celebrating International Women’s Day

March 8th marks International Women’s Day, a global celebration of women’s achievements and a call to action for gender equality. As we recognize the invaluable contributions of women in our industry, it’s imperative to acknowledge the stark reality: women represent just 27% of the tech workforce.

This year, under the 2024 theme ‘Inspire Inclusion,’ we want to champion diversity and empower women in the workplace. Keep reading to hear from some of the women of Neostella as they dive into the transformative power of inclusion in the workplace and share career advice for women in the industry.

What does the inclusion of women in the workplace mean to you?

Paola Candamil, Country Operations Manager – Colombia

Women, in their integral nature, have proven within the workforce that our capabilities and skills are fundamental for the development of good practices and balanced organizational cultures. We bring a holistic vision to the business environment, considering various aspects such as social well-being, sustainability, and social responsibility.

Women have a great capacity for effective communication, empathy, teamwork, and conflict resolution. Our meticulousness, dedication, and perseverance translate into an approach focused on optimizing processes and achieving results. The charisma and ability to connect with people that allow us to lead teams in an inspiring and motivating way. The diversity of perspectives that women bring enriches the decision-making process and leads to more comprehensive solutions.

Work environments with greater gender equity promote greater employee commitment, which translates into higher productivity. The participation of women in the corporate sphere is not only a fundamental right, but also represents a strategic value for companies. The incorporation of the female perspective into decision-making and business management leads to more efficient, resilient, and successful organizations.

Sam Schulte, Marketing Coordinator

Inclusion in the workplace is not just about being physically included; it’s about being valued and heard for who you are and what you bring to the table. I grew up attending an all-girls high school and then conversely went to college as one of the only women in my computer science classes. These experiences helped me understand the importance of representation and inclusion—especially in the STEM industries.

Inclusion in the workplace is about challenging biases, but it’s also recognizing the systemic hurdles that women face. I’ve heard the claim about men applying for a job when they meet only some of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet all of the criteria. I think this often stems from fear of rejection unless we’re checking every box. Because unfortunately a lot of times, that’s the reality for women.

I’m proud to be a part of a company that lifts women up; where we are included for our skills and our work is celebrated. At Neostella, inclusion isn’t an option but instead one of the reasons for our success.

Manuela Jaramillo, People Operations HR Coordinator

Inclusion, to me, is about removing barriers and challenging stereotypes. It’s about challenging stereotypes and creating an environment where women can contribute and succeed on equal footing with their male counterparts. It’s about celebrating and recognizing the value that these diverse perspectives, especially those of women, bring to the workplace, and creating a better environment for everyone.

What career advice would you share with other women?

Sam Oestreicher, Manager of Delivery Services

My advice to women in tech: Find a mentor and consistently pick their brain and get as much information as you can. Don’t do this alone. Form a community of women who can push and challenge you, but who you can also lean on when you need it—because you will need it.

Network actively and attend industry events whenever possible. You never know who you’ll meet there. Speak up for yourself and other women; do not be afraid to ask for what you want and believe that you’re worthy and deserving of it.

Along those same lines, be confident in your skillset and know what you bring to the table. Be your true and authentic, genuine self, and do not apologize for that. Embrace what makes you different and show up as you every single time. Remember, you belong here—women belong in tech.

Melissa Acosta, BI + Analytics Manager

Discover your purpose, strengths, and passions before diving into your work. Align these with your values and interests to find the perfect fit in the industry.

Don’t hesitate to immerse yourself into your work and learn as you go. You don’t need to have all the answers before stepping into the job you’re passionate about.

Speak up. Raise your voice and share your opinions, ideas, and concerns.

Be open to new opportunities and experiences; you’ll never know what you’re capable of until you give it a try.

Isabela Vásquez, UX Designer

Have confidence in your abilities. Believe in your skills and capabilities. Imposter syndrome is common, but remember that your unique perspective and contributions are valued. Don’t hesitate to showcase your work or achievements—take credit for them.

Having confidence in your abilities is a crucial aspect of a successful and fulfilling career in tech or any other industry. Confidence not only affects how you perceive yourself but also how others perceive and value your contributions.

Tessa Pelkowski, VP, Global Professional Services 

Enjoy the journey. You might feel like you know everything at the beginning of your career but there are so many experiences you haven’t had yet that will shape you. Trust the timing of everything because everything happens for a reason. There’s going to be bumps in the road, there’s going to be detours you go down but it will all lead you to exactly where you’re supposed to be. 

Be true to you. Be bold. Be loyal. Be humble and always be all in. 

Brittany Kimmitt, Senior Recruiter

My career advice for fellow women is to set ambitious yet realistic goals. It’s important to challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks, knowing that mistakes are part of the learning process. Prioritize your work that helps you accomplish these goals. 

On the topic of this year’s International Women’s Day theme, actively promote inclusion by helping others grow in their professional journeys—it’s not just about personal success, but also about uplifting those around you.

Lastly, compete with yourself to continuously improve and grow. While friendly competition can be motivating, the true measure of success is surpassing your own expectations and aspirations. Never stop dreaming big and pushing the boundaries of what you believe is possible.