Work-RelayLicense Pricing Schedule

Last Updated: February 27, 2024

This License Pricing Schedule for Work-Relay (“Schedule”) is incorporated by reference into Neostella’s Work-Relay Master Subscription Agreement (“MSA”). Any capitalized terms not defined in this Schedule have the definitions in the MSA.

  1. Fees. Neostella offers three types of user-based licenses to access the Work-Relay software at the corresponding fees:
License TypeAdministratorStandardDay Pass*
IncludesAll the functionality of a Standard user plus the ability to utilize Process, Form and Action Designers to build processes, set up basic Work-Relay configuration options, and deploy processes and forms across environments.Comprehensive workflow coordination and integrated project management functionality with Gantt and Advanced Scheduling.Standard user license access for infrequent users.

*After nine interactions with the Work-Relay application in a single month, Neostella may charge Day Pass users Standard user license fees.  After three months of nine or more interactions per User in one month, Neostella may charge Day Pass users Standard user license fees for the remainder of the term of the Quote.

**The Day Pass Fee is $5 each day a User interacts with the Work-Relay software during each twenty-four (24) hour period between 12:00 am CST and ending 11:59 pm CST.  

  1. Additional License. Customer may add additional licenses during the term of a given Quote. Such licenses will (i) be billed pro-rata for the rest of the billing month in which they are added; (ii) be billed at Neostella’s current license fee for each subsequent billing month; and (iii) end on the same day the other user licenses end. Once added, licenses cannot be removed during the term of such Quote.
  2. Salesforce License. All user licenses require an equivalent license to Salesforce’s platform.

Previous Versions
